Successful oral delivery of poorly water-soluble drugs both depends on the intraluminal behavior of drugs and of appropriate advanced drug delivery systems

In this excellent review article issued from the UNGAP program (European Network on Understanding Gastro-intestinal Absorption-related Process) you will find relevant and up-to-date information on:
– Poorly water soluble drugs and the link between physico-chemical properties and solubility, lipophilicity and permeability
– Technologies to increase solubility and dissolution rate: salt formation, amorphous solid dispersions, lipid-based formulations
– How to avoid precipitation and create a concentration gradient to improve absorption
– Methods for modelling the performance such as Molecular Dynamics Simulations
– In vitro methods for solubility and dissolution assessments
– Methods to explore the absorption in the GI tract: GI concentration-time profile, in vitro digestion, in vitro models coupling dissolution and permeation, mucus diffusion
– Impact of molecularly dissolved drug versus apparently dissolved drug (ie in colloidal structure)

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