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FDA and Cannabis: Research and Drug Approval Process

The FDA understands that there is increasing interest in the potential utility of cannabis for a variety of medical conditions, as well as research on the potential adverse health effects from use of cannabis. To date, the FDA has not approved a marketing application for cannabis for the…

The Role of Excipients in CBD Products

Cannabidiol (CBD) has become an industry panacea that’s finding its way into everything from daily supplements to herbal therapies. The market is thriving, with one in seven US consumers relying on therapeutic CBD oils. The United States spends more than $803 million a year on cannabidiol products.…

Lipid Excipients for Cannabinoid Drug Products

With an enhanced understanding of the medicinal benefits and looming ease of regulations around the globe, there is an expressed need for science based, adequately dosed, and age appropriate cannabinoid medicines. The benefits of medicinal cannabinoids include: ✓ Controlled and measured…

Lipid Excipients for Cannabinoid Drug Products

The introduction of the cannabis plant into Western medicine dates to the 19th century when the plant was first used as an additive to patented medicines. The development of cannabis based therapies in the modern sense however came to a halt in the 1970’s after the passing of laws that have since…