Co-processed excipients: Recent advances and future perspective

The demands on the functionality of excipients are increasing day by day because of the emergence of high-speed tableting machines and the use of direct compression methods for tableting. Co-processing plays an important role in the development of a stable excipient with multifunctional activity. The combinations of one or two natural or synthetic polymers have been explored widely to develop novel stable co-processed excipients. In recent years, the co-processing of plant-based components has proved to be a boon for large no of pharmaceutical industries worldwide. The current review article highlights the general description of co-processing, techniques employed, and advantages of using natural components in co-processing. Also, the recent developments in excipient technology with special emphasis on natural combinations that could be used as co-processed excipients are briefly discussed.

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Vishal Bhatia, Ashwani Dhingra, Bhawna Chopra, Kumar Guarve,
Co-processed excipients: Recent advances and future perspective,
Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 2022, 103316, ISSN 1773-2247,

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