A Review on Tablet in Tablet for Cancer and Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)


The tablet is the most commonly utilised dosage form because to its stability and high level of acceptance among patients. The film and sugar coatings have a crucial role in enhancing the aesthetic qualities of the tablet, such as colour, texture, mouth feel, and taste masking. Therefore, the coating is a vital component in the tablet formulation. Film and sugar coatings have several drawbacks, with the most significant being the use of aqueous or organic solvents, which can result in toxicity. In 1896, Noyes proposed the compression coating or Tablet in Tablet technology as a solution to this problem. The literature contains significant research reports and patents inputs that have garnered great attention from researchers in the development of Tablet in Tablet dosage form. Furthermore, our attention was directed on the latest progress in methodologies such as one-step dry-coating (OSDrC®) for the analysis of manufacturing properties. Additionally, we discussed the obstacles encountered in the creation of a Tablet in Tablet dosage form for cancer treatment. The present review compiled data on the most recent patent, use of artificial Intelligence for Tablet in Tablet or compression coating.


The tablet is the most often utilised form of medication due to its ease of administration, costeffectiveness in production, and aesthetic appeal [1]. The aesthetic attributes, such as colour, texture, mouthfeel, and flavour masking, are contingent upon the use of coating processes [2]. Currently, there is a low number of patents led or granted on this topic. One example is the patent on the Tablet in Tablet of cyclophosphamide and capecitabine [3]. In this study, our attention was on the reasoning behind the invention of this particular dosage form. This review aims to emphasise the progress made in the production process of tablets and its advantages for the pharmaceutical business [4]. The coating provides both physical and chemical protection to the medicine, as well as altering the drug’s release behaviour. In the nineteenth century, modern pharmacological coating, specically sugar coating, was used to conceal the unpleasant taste [2,5]. Sugar coating has some problems and restrictions. It necessitates a lengthy processing time of up to 6 to 7 days and involves multiple steps such as sealing, subcoating, smoothing, colouring, and polishing. Skilled operators are necessary to perform these tasks. To address the issue of lm or sugar coating, the Tablet in Tablet or compress coating technology is introduced as an alternating coating method. It is also known as a dry coating or press coating and was one of the initial solvent-free coating processes. Typically, a tablet, whether it be a tablet in tablet or a compression-coated tablet, is composed of two components: an inside drug core and an external coating shell. The outer layer envelops the inner core and primarily governs the lm coating’s strength, drug release, and stability [6].

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Table 1: List of Drugs that are Formulated in Tablet-in-Tablet

Active IngredientCategoryExcipients
PaliperidoneAntipsychoticHPC-H, Euragit RL-PO, Glycerylbehenate, MCC, HPMC-K100 M
Orlistat and VenlafaxineAntiobesity and antidepressantFor core tablet—βCD, SD Mannitol, Ludiflash, Kollidon CLF, Kollidon-30, SLS, Sucrose, Talc, MgStearate, Cherry Flavour, Methyl Paraben
Amoxicillin and Potassium ClavulanateAntibacterial and β lactamase inhibitorSteric acid and avicel layer
AcetaminophenAnalgesic and antipyreticHPMC, Mg.Sterate, Lactose-crystal cellulose
GlipizideAntidiabeticβCD, HPC-L, HPC-M, MCC, Eudragit RL PO, Mg.Sterate
NifedipineAntihypertensive, calcium channel blockersHPC-L, HPC-M, Eudragit RSPO, Mg.Sterate
Prednisolone Immuno-suppressantCarboxymethyl xanthan gum, Sodium alginate, Calcium chloride, MCC, Polyplasdone XL, Tri-Sodium Citrate, Trisodium orthophosphate dodecahydrate, Mg.Sterate.
Carvedilol Antihypertensive or non-selective beta adrenergic receptor blockerPolyoxy Ethylene Oxide WSR 205, HPMC K4M, MCC, Sodium starch glycolate, Mg.Sterate.


Shilpi Agarwal, Gaurav Agarwal, Pragya Sharma (2024) A Review on Tablet in Tablet for Cancer and Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) . Journal of Cancer, Research Reviews & Reports. SRC/JCRR-214. DOI:doi.org/10.47363/JCRR/2024(6)199

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