Cannabidiol—transdermal delivery and anti-inflammatory effect in a murine model

Cannabidiol (CBD) and the potential benefit is the current hot topic. Just found this publication by the group of Elka Touítou Hebrew University of Jerusalem from 2003. She will hold at this years PBP Worldmeeting the presentation: “Delivery of cannabinoids to and across the skin”. It is interesting to see how long some topics take to become “hot”.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a new drug candidate for treatment of rheumatic diseases. However, its oral administration is associated with a number of drawbacks. The objective of this study was to design a transdermal delivery system for CBD by using ethosomal carriers. CBD ethosomes were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Results indicated that CBD and phosphatidylcholine form an eutectic mixture. In vivo application of ethosomal CBD to CDI nude mice produced a significant accumulation of the drug in the skin and in the underlying muscle. Upon transdermal application of the ethosomal system to the abdomen of ICR mice for 72 h, steady-state levels were reached at about 24 h and lasted at least until the end of the experiment, at 72 h. Furthermore, transdermal application of ethosomal CBD prevented the inflammation and edema induced by sub-plantar injection of carrageenan in the same animal model. In conclusion, ethosomes enable CBD’s skin permeation and its accumulation in a depot at levels that demonstrate the potential of transdermal CBD to be used as an anti-inflammatory treatment.

Read more about cannabidiol delivery via the skin

M Lodzki, B Godin, L Rakou, R Mechoulam, R Gallily, E Touitou, Cannabidiol—transdermal delivery and anti-inflammatory effect in a murine model, Journal of Controlled Release, Volume 93, Issue 3, 2003, Pages 377-387,
ISSN 0168-3659,


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