ExciPerience – Overview & explanation of our event around excipients

What is the ExciPerience? – A short summary
ExciPerience is the virtual event around every aspect of pharmaceutical excipients. ExciPerience covers all areas from basic or advanced research and formulation to manufacturing and regulatory. There will be more and new possibilities for personal interaction and different presentation formats than you are used to.
You deserve the best – you get the best!

The topics are:
- 3D printing
- Biopharmaceutics
- Regulatory
- Paediatric formulation
- In-silico formulation design
- Predictive development / In-silico development
- More are announced soon!
What is the difference to other virtual events?
At the ExciPerience, exchange between everybody involved is key. To achieve this, there are new communication tools like lobby networking, open & private multi-person tables, topic-related multi-person tables, specialist rooms, A.I. enhanced matchmaking, network carousel and special networking rooms, which will increase the interaction amongst all participants during the event.
This makes the difference to other events!
Experience the difference now!

Which speeches are already confirmed?
- Keynote: “How 3D printing is changing medicine”, Prof. Joseph DeSimone
- “Biopharmaceutical Implications of Excipient Variability on Drug Solubility and Dissolution”, Dr Nikoletta Fotaki
- “The complexities of Excipient Registration in China and potential solutions”, Dave Schoneker
- “Formulations for infants and young children: Innovative use of excipients in film coating“, Dr Fang Liu
- “Sex matters: Excipients actively modulate drug response differently in males and females”, Christine Madla, PhD
- “In-silico polymer screenings for rational amorphous solid dispersion development”, Dr Christian Lübbert
- “Early Phase Pharmaceutical Product Development using Quality by Design tools”, Prof. Walkiria Schlindwein
- Speech on 3D printing, Prof. Simon Gaisford
- Speech on in-silico formulation design, Dr Maxim Puchkov
- See the description of our speakers here
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